I've wanted to make cheesecake for the longest time. So to make sure I made it, I bought cream cheese to eliminate any excuses. I decided to make it on Valentine's Day just to spoil myself. 💝 I did a no bake cheesecake because I just wanted to get a feel of it first and no one also wants the pressure of a failed cake on V-day.

The cake had three layers and toppings.

What I used:

bottom layer;
Assorted biscuits/cookies     250g
Milk                                      75ml

middle layer;
Cream cheese                       250g
Icing sugar                           85g
Vanilla essence                    1 tsp

top layer;
Peanut butter                       100g
Icing sugar                           50g
milk                                     (optional depending on the consistency)

Chopped chocolate             100g


I started off with the bottom layer, I crushed the biscuits using the ends of a rolling pin. When fully crushed I added in the milk to bring the crumbs together. I placed this in a springform baking tin then popped it into the freezer as I worked on the middle layer.

For the middle layer, I started by whipping the cream cheese, then added icing sugar and vanilla essence and whipped that up all together. When it was all combined and creamy, I took the baking tin from the freezer, added it in the tin and then popped it back into the freezer.

For the top layer, I started by whipping the peanut butter, then added half the icing sugar , then the milk and finally the other half of the icing sugar whipping with each addition to combine. When fully combined and smooth, I took out my baking tin from the freezer once again and added the top layer in it.

I then sprinkled the chopped chocolate on top then popped it back into the freezer and left it in the whole night. I made sure to keep on putting it in the refrigerator when it was not in use to keep it firm.
Now for the slice!



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