This cold season, the trick to getting yourself some warmth is by bringing in some spicy stuff to your diet. These cupcakes are a sweet way of indulging in the spicy..
You also get to enjoy the health benefits of cinnamon by eating cake! isn't that just AWESOME!!

what you need;


  • sugar                      150g
  • margarine               150g
  • eggs                        3pcs
  • vanilla essence        1tsp
  • golden syrup           1tbs
  • vinegar                    1tbs
  • flour                        200g
  • cornflour                1tbs
  • cinnamon                 1tbs
  • baking powder         1tsp
  • bicarbonate of soda  1tsp


  • cupcake tray
  • cupcake cases
  • whisk
  • oven

let's make them;

  • preheat the oven at 180 degrees celcius. 
  • cream sugar and margarine, using the whisk, until light, pale and fluffy.
    -this increases the volume of the mixture.
  • beat the eggs in two bowls: beat an egg into one bowl then put it into a common bowl for all the eggs.
   -avoids the mistake of mixing good eggs and rotten ones, the aim of the first bowl is to test each egg before mixing it with the rest
  • add in vanilla essence to the eggs
  • put an egg at a time into the margarine and sugar mixture whisking all the time.
   -adding one egg at a time ensures total mixture
  • add golden syrup and vinegar 
   -the syrup makes the cakes moist and the vinegar  gives them a velvety feel
  • sieve together all the dry ingredients into the mixture.
  • fold in to mix in the dry ingredients. be careful not to over fold.
  • place the cases on the tray.
  • scoop the mixture using a spoon and pour into the cases until three-quarters full. 
  • place the tray in the oven.
  • remove after 15-20 mins or until golden brown and springy to touch.
   serve with whipped cream or icing sugar paste.

Now you can enjoy this treat while also keeping warm!


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